Elle McCartin
Honey Heart
Honey Heart is inspired by the deep connection between humans and the world around us. It’s a celebration of the magic of life and all that we can do for eachother, our selves and mama nature. Always revering authenticity as a portal to true & unique beauty, Honey Heart specializes in Holistic Esthetics and a special blend of Inner Alchemy to inspire the almost magic of self care.
Take Care. It’s Sacred.
We have an instinctual desire to take care and self-soothe through co-regulation. It’s both ancient and everlasting. Together, we nurture and cultivate sacred rituals for the body and soul. What feels good... like intrinsically good? What lights you up? What makes you feel most like you?
~Remember~ we all have an innate drive to witness beauty in the physical. Honey Heart is here to nurture that instinctual impulse.
As Above So Below
Your face, your body, every nerve in every fiber—they’re all little universes within the chaotic, big, magical world. Everything is energetically interwoven with the common threads that bind the cosmos. These transformative powers in nature, the symbiosis of our cells, the ancient wisdom passed on—cycles, patterns, flows— are simultaneously present in everyday life and following their lead can make powerful impacts towards bringing in more beauty for the ever changing self and collective.
Beauty is Connection
This alchemical connection concept is at the heart of all of Honey Heart offerings. It’s a full body approach with an understanding that beauty is a signal to the world that physical systems like the skin barrier, gut and detox organs are working optimally and the microbiome is thriving.